- finished Ten Thousand Saints: A Novel by Eleanor Henderson http://t.co/BDsPYNjl #Kindle #
- I dream of a world where every other email I receive doesn't come from a political campaign. #spam #seriouslyyouguys #toomany #
- current status: dejected (dog related). #
- Strange visitor, garden edition. http://t.co/LBvQRvFW #
- best part of Spotify is that it's letting me cheat and catch up on 20+ years of Columbus music, more or less free. np: Scrawl, SMALLMOUTH #
- oh hey rain #
- “Art Of Almost” by Wilco is my new jam. ♫ http://t.co/4EnRPztB #
- This morning's breakfast. Dear God. #nofilter #reallythatbig http://t.co/sqvuYYb5 #
- On the advice of counsel and radar, we have adjourned from the boat to the cabin, pending rain. #fb #
- Also, this game is Wrong. #wrong http://t.co/warN7Bnm #
- Last time I go away for the weekend by myself. Sounds like Val's already replaced me. #dog #
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