- Finished with A Clash of Kings, by George R.R. Martin: Add a quote, comment or note http://t.co/8Pflr3Bm #
- Thinking about sending out assassins after @gdwiz this week in order to vault back into the lead for fantasy baseball. #evilplanofevil #
- 8 mins into this ep of #Leverage & I'm pretty sure a cooking show w @christiankane01 as Angry Sous Chef would be the Best Thing Ever. #
- this dog is doing an extraordinary job of not going to the bathroom after being in a crate all morning. #thewaiting #isthehardestpart #
- Columbus tweeps: if I were looking for someone local to do small biz website makeover/maintenance, who should I talk to? @ or DMs okay. #
- A dog and her boy. http://t.co/sNf4eX5c #
- Seminaring. All hail the business valuation double dip. #famlaw #
- Clearest explanation of valuation multiplier ever. Just made the entire seminar worth the price of admission. #famlaw #
- The dog is growling in her sleep. #
- Excitement at being at Great American for Reds game turns to sorrow when they annc passing of Neil Armstrong. World suddenly feels smaller. #
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