- Fair time! (@ Ohio State Fair 2012 w/ 28 others) [pic]: http://t.co/HwCu3zbU #
- Fair! Without the kids! Pics incoming! #
- Egg on a stick! #latergram #ohiostatefair http://t.co/OXcLR7a5 #
- Ohio State sues Columbus T-shirt shop over unlicensed Buckeyes, Urban Meyer designs. http://t.co/adcRIaSd via @columbusbiz1st #
- of course, the funny part of that story to me is that OSU — OSU!! — is trademarking the name "Urban Meyer". #
- Congrats to @knottyyarn on the book. @sethhurley, you know how to pick 'em. http://t.co/RFtLLlUj #
- …between the sheets? http://t.co/Lg9sCzSL #
- One of my favorites: a panoramic shot I took at the Ohio State Fair on Tuesday evening. http://t.co/hHKYmN80 #
- How many members of @wilco can play w lee renaldo band before its not lee renaldo band anymore? #
- Sound difference btw this show for renaldo and the gig at nelsonville is amazing, and that show was pretty great to begin with. #
- Is it too late to tell everyone that Art of Almost is the best song on the new album? #
- Someone tell @PelotonWestgate to stop checking his phone. Wait, I can do that. #
- NELS. #
- If they end up playing Ashes of American Flags, I will probably die of happiness. #
- I Am Trying into Kamera. Tell me I imagined that. #
- Nels showcase time. #
- Shot in the arm! #
- Omg airline to heaven. #
- Okay, so, oreillys. #
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