- Tagging photos from the phone over lunch on one site has made me despair for the hundreds of yet-untagged camera shots waiting at home. #
- Also, hadn't even seen this before this weekend: Wellston, OH featured in ESPN's RISE UP this September: http://t.co/egfrjnS #
- Two days in a row, two different clients: they call me, then put me on hold while they deal with something else. #rude #
- Wexner Center for the Arts: Public Programs – Matt Kish Book Release Event / Moby-Dick in Pictures http://t.co/dGb7GBW via @wexarts #
- This exists: "The Bluegrass Tribute to Nickelback's 'All the Right Reasons'". #spotify #dontask #
- Apart from the RIDICULOUS final minute, here's a little bit of "whoops, forgot I said that" courtesy ProgressOhio: http://t.co/wuQu0IU #
- A lull in the Hoovereunion action. Following @gdwiz @bjmartino @MeredithMartino up the road in a bit. #
- Playa. http://t.co/GjuXkTi #
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