Tag Archives: general silliness

From the Twitterz: Week of 2012-09-16

  • Turns out, dog parks can be hazardous to your health. But the poop bag dispenser had it coming. #nofilter http://t.co/3BsnstDK #
  • OMG, why did nobody tell me Slate was running a 20th anniversary tribute to SNEAKERS? http://t.co/tGoiLd3L | http://t.co/rR09Oe0P #
  • Also, more SNEAKERS: http://t.co/SqHhuOVk | http://t.co/6Yah8yGo #
  • And lest we not forget, more SNEAKERS IS A MASTERPIECE: http://t.co/QbPkwtmZ (this is all true) #
  • This drummer is the greatest drummer in the history of drummers. Drummers: you have been served. http://t.co/GAE0gSRh #
  • 44% done with A Storm of Swords, by George R.R. Martin: Surprised that he didn't call this one "A Storm of Sexytime… http://t.co/gZNYg7n7 #
  • someone tell me why / i do the things / that i don't wanna do #
  • The new OSU pregame videos on the scoreboard are kind of scary. Please don't yell at me anymore, Eddie George. #
  • Two yards of offense in the third quarter. Two. #
  • Redemption for Devin Smith. #gobucks #

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From the Twitterz: Week of 2012-09-09

  • Chomp chomp, stomp stomp, roogie roogie. #fb #
  • What the hell is this. TSA liquid testing inside terminal at Columbus OH Airport: http://t.co/AMvf9smW #
  • I'm attending 24th AAML Ohio Chapter Harold R. Kemp Annual Family Law Symposium in October. http://t.co/jQxmCE5B Aren't you glad, now? #
  • Don't look at me! I'm naked! #fb http://t.co/g8fl6wGF #
  • But in all seriousness, love the service at BikeSource. These guys are awesome. #
  • And bikes aside: Clintonville! Come see me herd elementary school kids at the Whetstone football game tonight! There will be pom poms! #
  • RT @PrinceTweets2U: do they have purple cats because they should #
  • Not bad. (@ Ohio Stadium for UCF Knights vs Ohio State Buckeyes w/ @crabillj) [pic]: http://t.co/s9KtoXB7 #
  • No hesitation on fourth and one. That's a BIG difference, but I approve. #
  • Omg, I love you, OSUMB, but if there's a marching band that should never, ever, ever play funk, its you. #fb #110foreva #
  • Just an observation: if we can't play man to man pass defense on UCF, we are screwed this year. #

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