Tag Archives: Twitterz

From the Twitterz: Week of 2012-03-04

  • What I did on SMOlumni Reunion Weekend: Franz Biebl, "Ave Maria": http://t.co/KPyjmJDj #fb #
  • A couple of thousand years' worth of recorded human history, and I still can't buy corks to plug up my runny nose? C'mon, humanity. #fb #
  • I admit, this made me laugh very, very hard. The Daly Show: Episode 7: "The Daly Superheroes" with NATHAN FILLION: http://t.co/uSgQs4LS #fb #
  • “Second Chance” by Liam Finn is my new jam. ♫ http://t.co/Nepi7fbI #
  • So now I have a limited time to take @theseanmckeever out for beers before he jets off to Austin FOR-EVAH. #aplanisforming #
  • Paging @madebyamyD RT @Melanie10TV Why don't you just take reusable mug? @maryellen10tv I think I need to get reuseable sleeve @TimHortonsUS #
  • Today I did a total of 71 pushups thanks to the Hundred Pushups Android app. (Week 4, Day 3, Level 1) #100Pushups #
  • AMEN. RT @michaelkent No matter where I am in life, the Price is Right theme song will always remind me of staying home sick from school. #
  • Feeling very much like I've been suckerpunched. Trying to get up off the mat. #
  • HOLY CHRIST, can this day get any crazier. #no #itcannot #somethingaboutthemoonIguess #
  • Columbus peeps: doing teeball/baseball signups for NCIL at Whetstone Rec today, 10-1. Come see me or signup online, http://t.co/6ALUGlKB #
  • Maple Syrup Festival! (@ Malabar Farm State Park) http://t.co/oYv4SXeb #

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From the Twitterz: Week of 2012-02-26

  • Today I did a total of 64 pushups thanks to the Hundred Pushups Android app. (Week 5, Day 1, Level 1) #100Pushups #
  • Today I did a total of 77 pushups thanks to the Hundred Pushups Android app. (Week 5, Day 2, Level 1) #100Pushups #
  • “Simple Song” by The Shins is my new jam. ♫ http://t.co/4QHJ6Ak6 #
  • Powerful argument both for and against the value of the modern public library – both essential and barely helpful. http://t.co/cMQQrU22 #
  • I probably come down in the PRO category myself, but even that hypothetical makes me unbearably sad. #
  • Hey @mswendiman — look who I found hiding in my email today: http://t.co/xGtszzlV #
  • Today I did a total of 84 pushups thanks to the Hundred Pushups Android app. (Week 5, Day 3, Level 1) #100Pushups #
  • Strong wind advisory = involuntary glaucoma tests. #eyeswatering #fb #
  • Nora's class is doing something for the school's Black History Month assembly. (@ Clinton At Hubbard) http://t.co/JzGYSQNj #
  • This place turned into the Cheese, holy spinning light dancefloor. (@ Red Brick Sports Pub & Grill w/ 5 others) http://t.co/FtGmwOq5 #
  • It's a little bit cruel of @nbc4i to still be running the "watch us for school closings" commercial at this point, isn't it? #
  • Glad I brought my ipod; having to learn three "new" pieces is a lot easier if you can listen and follow along first. #smo #
  • Probably good that I'm singing in the Biebl tonight, because I'd probably break down crying just listening to it. So gorgeous. #
  • I am sitting in my seat in the audience near the front for the first half. I am surrounded by an entire sorority. NBD. #SUPERold #
  • Apparently they're Chi Os. #
  • Awesome concert. Extra boos to the Chi Os who GOT UP & LEFT before Section 8 was done singing. Stay classy, Greek girls. #fb @SingingMenOhio #

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