Tag Archives: general silliness

From the Twitterz: Week of 2012-06-10

  • Someone please explain this fortune to me. #fb http://t.co/HaChmoa7 #
  • Internet: send your good thoughts to my sister @dahlbes1, who had to say goodbye to her dog Casey today. Thirteen years is a long time. #
  • Play's at first. #fb #proudlikeyouwouldntbelieve http://t.co/eQkenFIW #
  • So unbelievably close to the stage, all things considered. About to enjoy my first Radiohead show @ Blossom. #
  • Casey making us all uncomfortable with his Radiohead poster. http://t.co/UbjbS1Zl #
  • I Might Be Wrong. http://t.co/X9CJdr5k #
  • Home. Radiohead show was amazing. Here, here's a picture to prove it. http://t.co/pOZ2Wf17 #
  • Eight weeks on top of the fantasy baseball league (!) looks like it's coming to an end; currently being DESTROYED. cc @gdwiz @robcwv #

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From the Twitterz: Week of 2012-06-03

  • Home. Tired. Read? Maybe. Movie. Drink. Sleep. #weekend #
  • Backyard yardwork: achievement unlocked #
  • why no that jackhammering right outside my office won't bother me at all this morning please continue #fb #
  • "Read on to find out why!" Second grade writing assignments are the BEST. #
  • Debating taking the kids to #origins on Sunday. Columbus gaming peeps – worth it? Possibility of @wilw and @feliciaday sightings a plus? #
  • Out of sorts. #
  • Trying Sweet Carrot food truck at the Arts Festival. Anticipation is building while I wait for the corn cake. #
  • Baseball practices successful. Coffee in hand. On to @LongviewBarbers for summer cuts. Days kids kept alive successfully w/o @vdahlberg: 1 #
  • The waiting is the hardest part. http://t.co/ziecuTYS #
  • Climbin'. (@ Scioto Audubon Metro Park) [pic]: http://t.co/QCcsVZ2X #
  • Mountains upon mountains. @ Scioto Audubon Metro Park Rock Wall http://t.co/Qa5jg8iK #
  • Thirty years later and I'll be goddamned if the ending of E.T. still doesn't make me cry. #

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