
Looks like I get to do a lot of catching up — and following up — this evening, post-flu.

Earlier Item #1: “Karen Ryan

Via Josh Marshall, the Department of Education apparently forgot what the Department of Health and Human Services got in trouble for earlier this year (P.S. — it’s “news videos” like this, featuring the same damn “reporter”.)

Earlier Item #2: “Sinclair Broadcasting

Apparently not content with labeling Ted Koppel as a supporter of Iraqi insurgents and terrorists, the broadcasting group (which owns both the ABC and Fox affiliates here in Columbus) is voluntarily airing an hour-long Swift Boat Veterans for Truth commercial (cleverly disquised as a “documentary”) in prime-time. Do you suppose they have to announce “the SwiftVets are responsible for the content of this hour-long polemic” at the end of the show, in the place of “this SwiftVets program was produced before a live studio audience”?

Finally, my dear, loving, sweet sister left me a loud voice mail this evening while she was at the full Concert for Change in DC (Springsteen, REM, Dave Matthews, Pearl Jam, pretty much everyone else I would love to see live in one place).

She was gloating.

Nice to see you, too, world.