Now, this made me laugh (this all comes via Josh Marshall, who has his own dog and viewpoint in the Social Security hunt, but never mind that now, what we’re focusing on is the Keystone Cops-ishness of this small portion of the fight):
Here’s an ad currently being featured on the website of the very conservative AMERICAN SPECTATOR (I’ve saved a copy straight from there and am now hosting it here in all of its unglory):
Very classy, yes?
Which links to these folks here — who, as they are apparently cheerfully acknowledging, are the second incarnation of the SwiftVets (and, some might say, their “slimy” tactics.)
But it’s not even that part that kills me. It’s this: AARP=”liberal”? What planet are these people on, anyway? Apart from this particular Social Security issue, aren’t these guys generally on the same side? And isn’t that side a rather more conservative one?
Dad’s right — it’s mutally assured destruction in politics, anymore — demonize and dehumanize your opponent without regard to later consequences for the sake of your goal. Sheesh.