- I'm smitten. http://t.co/dYCtpkXA #
- Someone else is too. http://t.co/cI6xielj #
- Brian May appearing as Brian May. #
- The Ur-May. #
- Oh good, I was really hoping to follow the Olympics with a shitty NBC sitcom. #
- It figures: new dog Lola is a snorer. #cpapfordogs #
- Hey, why are all these people standing in the parking lot? #mumford #
- Mumford. #nofilter #latergram http://t.co/SkZ8kCwb #
- Nightmare fuel: "This is a Special Time": http://t.co/pUcHGL13 (but, OTOH, TOTALLY checking this place out in Philly this October.) #
- Wow, Cord Phelps. Solo homer over center field, bounced into second floor Rooster's. What a shot! @CLBClippers #
- Ah, the first instance of doggie destruction resulting from the 7 o'clock Crazies: everyone's favorite. #fb #
- Could pretty much just stand in front of Mya's all day. Smells SO. GOOD. #
- In a perfect world, everyone would read Ezra Klein |Romney: Obama’s plan raises taxes on middle class. Is he right?http://t.co/LpHNlO6K #fb #
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