- SO TRUE. RT @ezraklein: MS Word is fax of early 21st century: cumbersome, inefficient, a relic of obsolete technology. http://t.co/gtJR37lg #
- Money where my mouth is time: taking Nora to this birthday party today at Audubon Center via the bike trail. #fb #
- Nice of my phone to alert me to the Franklin county wind advisory after the 50 minute bike ride. #whoops #fb #
- After a rest at Audubon Center, have concluded that someone replaced my comfy bike seat with one lined with rocks and barbed wire. #ow #
- Butterfly in flight. http://t.co/YXB2V1qn #
- My city, today. #columbus http://t.co/MoHsfz1x #
- Procrastinated taxes, and now I'm staring at a surprisingly unfortunate result. DISLIKE. #
- Once again, the city of Townsville is saved, thanks to INFO MISSING WHEN YOU DID THE WORK THE FIRST TIME AND WOULD HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE #
- The @wilco show @ #LCPavilion for 8/4 still isn't on the show list @ http://t.co/59rusGvL. Someone *has* told the band they're playing, yes? #
- My wife just quoted — appropriately — from HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER, in Sean Connery's voice. I think I'm in love. #
- OMG YES PLEASE RT @GFRobot: Bill & Ted 3 May Include The Return Of The Grim Reaper http://t.co/6VjOlrA0 #
- You might be a king or just a street sweeper, but sooner or later you dance with the Reaper. #
- Finished with John Henry Days, by Colson Whitehead http://t.co/a2bfUaTc #
- At @wobbrewerydist to see a pal play acoustic. On a school night, no less! #
- In case anyone cares, a) CONTACT is on AMC right now, and b) it is one of my very favorite movies. #
- Which probably makes me a rank sentimentalist, but who cares. Genuine emotion in that flick, over Z's previous film which must not be named. #
- Looks like my son has moved into writing material for @SwartyComedy: "What kind of pests live on the moon? Lunar ticks." #baDUMbum #
- Water, flowing backwards. Brain is broken. http://t.co/xr7DbZYJ via @jdickerson #
- Oh, so that was an *entire* bottle of @brosdrakemead that we finished off over dinner? Whoops. #
- Every time I walk past this, I have to remind myself that it's an egg, not a duck on the toilet. http://t.co/atIrL1J1 #
- Can now safely cross "feel the seat of my pants unexpectedly rip" off of my bucket list. #fb #thesejeansaredeadtomenow #
- Cards. http://t.co/j2bJvEAf #
- feeling unexpected remorse that I didn't head down to Lost Weekend or something for RSD. Like I missed out on something. #
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