- If I have enough coffee and donuts, I can sugar buzz my way through two child birthday parties today unscathed, right? #warpspeedNOW #
- The birthday boy and his cake. Hard to believe my little guy is eight years old. http://t.co/CmuAIGxN #
- If you, like me, wish that TRON was a real thing, then you, like me, probably need to go to GlowPutt in Gahanna. http://t.co/VFUMKtAO #
- On page 266 of 374 of Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline http://t.co/RWd64Kc7 #
- Finished with Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline http://t.co/EXB8fjIN #
- On page 58 of 390 of Mockingjay, by Suzanne Collins http://t.co/hZyDfW6j #
- via @pourmecoffee, Twin Peaks GIFs! http://t.co/lu8QumP1 You're welcome. #
- Can't decide if this http://t.co/GXwzgxLa or this http://t.co/4NS4bKE6 is the winner. U DECIDE. #
- Log Lady Attack: http://t.co/DXFMadei #
- THE WINNER: Leland Palmer Dance Moves Guide. http://t.co/AZBzbwlC #stoppingnow #
- This was my brainmusic this morning when I woke up: http://t.co/IetxZa2j #
- This is my brainmusic right now: http://t.co/9Sm4RLMV (courtesy a stray mention of it on twitter earlier) #
- So clearly, my brain is BROKEN. #cursed #
- There is a lot of unexpected shouting on this new DJ Shadow album, particularly while I'm trying to talk on the phone. #
- Coffee with the kids while Val roams @CFMarket. All is right with the world. #
- Perhaps I should have been supervising @vdahlberg more closely. http://t.co/oCvaN9vH #
- Pretty sure I would be content to sit here all day. #
- Carl and his pal Gabe. http://t.co/nVS1eRM6 #
- Scott Bakula in SOURCE CODE. #sambeckettlives (also, wow.) #
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