From the Twitterz: Week of 2011-10-09

  • Just thought I'd let you all know there's a Kidz Bop cover of Nightmare on My Street, complete with "Jeff" and "Fresh Prince" patter. #tmyk #
  • Can't wait to see if @fedex delivers those MSU/OSU tix on Monday. Sure looking forward to that game! #dontbother #fedexislazy #
  • Can't decide if creating a Spotify playlist of originals back to back with Kidz Bop covers is funny, ironic, ironically funny, or just sad. #
  • If there's "hold" music more perfect AND perfectly annoying than "The Girl From Ipanema", I've yet to hear it. #
  • Does a Chipotle burrito count towards National Taco Day? Kids' school fundraiser at the Clintonville one tonight; mouth already watering. #
  • Apparently if you're late to the #cmcforum you get to sit at the Columbus Foundation's reserved table. #yikes #
  • In case you were wondering, "Ashes of American Flags" still makes me sad every time I hear it. #realkeeping #
  • That's a new one. Spam/virus email disguised as "UNIFORM TRAFFIC TICKET" from NY. #
  • Trying a new lunch joint, and feeling very much like I'm on vacation (dining on the patio!) (@ Milestone 229) #
  • Dinner at Villa Nova, then Rumba for Tim Easton. This is starting to become a trend. #
  • I'm at Rumba Cafe for Tim Easton (2507 Summit St., Columbus) #
  • Who needs a sound check? Not Tim Easton, that's who. #
  • Rumba, people. #
  • Listen, Columbus: Sam Brown is a fucking monster. #drums #realkeeping #thingsthatareobvious #timeastonalsoawesome #
  • Seriously, Columbus, you're missing it. #
  • Ha ha, people leaving, little do you know you're missing the second set… #
  • Said I could go drinkin' with you. #haynesboys #
  • Did your mother teach you that? #timeaston #
  • Oh, twitterz. #ohmy #

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