- Have a Coke and a Smile. http://lightbox.com/kHfJfZf #
- Helloooooo Dahlberg family vacation! (@ Lake Hope State Park) http://4sq.com/oSUDuo #
- Ah, Athens. Never change. (@ Donkey Coffee & Espresso) http://4sq.com/p8ZGiH #
- YES. (@ Casa Nueva) http://4sq.com/oVicFZ #
- But where is the number 10 death combo platter? #
- I'm at Huntington Park (330 Huntington Park Ln., at Neil Ave. & W Nationwide Blvd., Columbus) w/ 4 others http://4sq.com/rnDYE8 #
- finished The Magician King: A Novel by Lev Grossman http://amzn.to/o4PNgj #Kindle #
- And so I find myself alone, wandering South Green. http://t.co/xVxsB3m #
- Cutler says hello. http://t.co/FSRgsfB #
- NOOOOOOOOO http://t.co/uxrK8hK #
- I am totally going to Tony's. #
- I'm at The Pub (39 N Court St, Athens) [pic]: http://t.co/8mFE94x #
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