Category Archives: internet

From the Twitterz: Week of 2012-09-30

  • Attn @dahlbes1 "@redwantingblue: Dallas! Tomorrow we're on @GoodDayFox4 at 830AM. Then @HOBDallas with @Exit380 and @JeradFinck at 8PM!" #
  • Brookhaven 21, Whetstone 0, 5:00 left in 2Q. 🙁 Cmon Braves! #
  • Er, 28-0, bhaven over whetstone. #
  • Bhaven 34, Whetstone 0. Interception inside last minute, Bhaven converts for TD but can't get extra point fake / 2 pt conversion across. #
  • OU oh yeah. #
  • Really want to buy the Beatles box set digitally (dont have 'em, quit harassing me); really don't want to do it via iTunes, which I detest. #
  • Beatles: y u no liek amazon? #
  • But but but TOMBSTONE is on AMC again. #

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From the Twitterz: Week of 2012-09-23

  • OMG, George Martin, you bastard. 2/3 done with STORM OF SWORDS and I'm seriously considering quitting in protest. Had to have read it wrong. #
  • World, I beg of you please: no more "said no one ever" pseudo-ironic jokes. Please. #onceisfunny #threetimesisobnoxious #tmyk #fb #
  • Status update. #fb #
  • Very much enjoying getting lost in these Song of Ice and Fire books for hours at a time, but what do I do when I've finished the fifth one? #
  • Status: frightened. #
  • Elem school ice cream social (!) tonight, which means I am now obsessively checking the weather. #
  • Glad @vdahlberg and Nora are getting to see at least one good team on the field today. Too bad it's not OSU. #
  • Sure, 54 yard field goal, why not? #
  • In his new ad, is Kurgis emerging from a wormhole or descending from heaven? Can't tell. #fb #
  • It goes like this: the fourth, the fifth #fb #

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