- Carl and his buddies at STAR WARS. http://t.co/zeGF9TBM #
- CGI Yoda whhaaaaaa #
- And now: zombies. #
- Dudes. GOOSEBUMPS is on Hub right now. Might actually be more disturbing than WALKING DEAD. #
- Today I did a total of 61 pushups thanks to the Hundred Pushups Android app. (Week 5, Day 1, Level 1) #100Pushups #
- So I'm pretty sure I'm going to to the @NelsonvilleFest now bc OMG DAWES </screamingteenagegirl> #
- “Land of Hope and Dreams” by Bruce Springsteen is my new jam. ♫ http://t.co/cpkWWmam #thisismyjam #
- QUANDRY: third night of @NelsonvilleFest (guessing Dawes?) or @theavettbros at LC, both on May 18. I CAN'T BE I TWO PLACES AT ONCE, PEOPLE. #
- Correction, FIRST, not third #
- Reading comprehension is not my forte today, it seems. #
- Today I did a total of 81 pushups thanks to the Hundred Pushups Android app. (Week 5, Day 2, Level 1) #100Pushups #
- Downtown to easton, rush hour, 45 minutes. #
- Attention @robcwv, relevant to your interests: http://t.co/KaZCHFts cc @gdwiz @Peej_Jones @mrbeaks #
- do the floppy arm / do the floppy arm / now it's in your head too ha ha oh god http://t.co/8xmQiBog (blame @jefito) #
- Words to live by. @BayAreaDivorce Free advice – Falsifying court orders & trying to serve on other party can impact your custody rights. #
- Today I did a total of 73 pushups thanks to the Hundred Pushups Android app. (Week 4, Day 3, Level 1) #100Pushups #
- My 5000th tweet was a robopost from the 100pushups app, which is something of an embarrassing way to reach a "milestone". #
- “Penny on the Train Track” by Ben Kweller is my new jam. ♫ http://t.co/TcV0IYZx #thisismyjam #
- Glass of wine and twitter while the kids watch LADY AND THE TRAMP. #bellanotte #
- Also, avoiding dishes and laundry. #
- Disturbed to discover this evening that my children know – and will sing loudly – the refrain of "Red Solo Cup". #what #fb #
- One two three four five senses working overtime #
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