All posts by Sarah

Woman, get thou to the kitchen

So, when I saw yesterday a story decrying the most recent “policy statement” from the Vatican on the role of women, I got ticked off. REALLY ticked off. Basically, most mainstream news sources have been lambasting the Vatican for criticizing feminism and dictating accepted Catholic views of the true role of women in society. A closer read of the document, however, made me think a little more about its implications; then I stumbled onto this analysis of the statement this morning. Pepinster’s column raises a few good points that mainstream sources don’t address–particularly the broader applications of the statement for equality for women in third-world countries.

I have two major beefs with the Vatican’s statement. 1)Women are still being denied opportunities to the priesthood, and this document–though going in depth to use scripture to explain their views on women’s accepted and divine roles–does little to explain why such a ban should remain in place.I’m sorry, “because jesus was a man” still bears no significant weight as an argument for me. Women are just as–if not more–capable of being spiritual leaders, interpreting scriptures and providing caring support to a congregation or community.

2) What’s up with the outrageous suggestion that “feminism” is responsible for the current (and so-called) “marriage crisis” and burgeoning gay rights movement? WTF? Cardinal Ratzinger throws this claim out there and then completely dodges it throughout the rest of the document. I don’t believe that blurred gender roles are what lead to homosexuality or gay marriage, and I’m offended by the church’s implication that women’s actions to establish themselves as equals in society are responsible for the detioration of the family unit. If the church wants to tackle the issue of gay marriage, it should do so openly, and without slinging unfair arrows that devalue years of social progress.