All posts by Sarah

Two items from today’s WaPo:

First, an editorial that hits several of the key points everyone has been making in this Kerry/Swift Boats mess.

On Slimefest:

“…Mr. Kerry’s emphasis on his Vietnam experience had made questions about his war record fair game. But we said that ads by the group calling itself Swift Boat Veterans for Truth had crossed the line in smearing the service that earned Mr. Kerry three Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star and a Silver Star. Nothing we’ve seen in the two weeks since has changed that view.”

On whether Kerry is exaggerating his military service:

“Mr. Kerry’s conflicting statements about where and when he was in Cambodia remain troubling. He has backed away from repeated claims that he spent Christmas Eve 1968 in Cambodia, a memory that, he said in a 1986 Senate speech, is “seared — seared — in me.” This does not undermine Mr. Kerry’s military bravery, but it does raise an issue of candor. It’s fair to ask whether this is an episode of foggy memory, routine political embroidery or something more.”

And, finally, on everyone’s seeming desire to start talking about something else:

“The sooner the campaign debate shifts from Swift boats toward substance, the better off voters will be.”

Hm, something else, maybe like, comedy on tonight’s Daily Show featuring John Kerry?

“This will also mark Kerry’s first late-night TV appearance since last November, when he rode onto Leno’s “Tonight Show” stage on a Harley, wearing leather and denim. That night, Kerry played second fiddle on the guest list to Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, who noted of Kerry’s progress at that time: “The poop I left in the dressing room has more heat coming off it than his campaign.”

Which probably explains why Kerry did not pick Leno’s show for tonight’s interview, softball questions or no softball questions.”

Ah, that silly little doggie.

Also, an ouch from David Brooks in the NYT.

Those ‘Cats can drink!

I hadn’t seen this yet, but apparently OU made the Princeton Review’s Biggest Party Schools this year, coming in at a hearty number five. Note that last year, OU didn’t even make it into the top 10! Methinks there may have been some sort of grassroots campaign to get OU students to respond to the Princeton Review survey…

Also noted with interest, Washington & Lee is ranked at number two. Will surprise no one who knows the man known in our family as “Tank.”