All posts by Sarah

Unitelligent Designs on Education

“Intelligent Design” seems to be the buzzword du jour.

This makes me angry. Very angry. Terrified that suddenly, we could be teaching our children science using theories and ideas that aren’t based in any kind of science.

Frankly, religious education is the place to teach these ideas, not the same classes that dissect amphibians and learn the basic principles of chemistry. Science is–and always has been–grounded in research, in discovery, in experimentation. In theory, yes, but theories that just so happen to have a lot of EVIDENCE that makes them credible.

Religion doesn’t belong in that classroom. Period.

Ed. to Add: Thought I’d add a quote from the Time piece that sums up how I feel about this. “[Intelligent Design] appalls the many scientists and science teachers who believe in evolution and also believe in God. ‘I accept evolution as the best scientific explanation for life as we know it,’ says Jeremy Mohn, a self-described “very religious” Methodist who teaches biology at Blue Valley Northwest High School, just a few minutes’ drive from Bingman’s school. ‘I also believe that God is ultimately responsible for the process. But it’s not our job to dust for fingerprints.'”