- ZOMG home. #fb #
- My inability to open a single-serving cup of CoffeeMate without spilling it all over the counter is becoming a workplace liability. #fb #
- My brain just produced the most horrible "what if the world just… FELL?" thought and now I need brainbleach. cc @gdwiz @peej_jones @robcwv #
- Which is bigger, the entire internet, or the entire internet as pinned at Pinterest? #micdrop #crickets #crickets @Peej_Jones @gdwiz @robcwv #
- Anyone else turn to go up stairs too quickly and almost topple over backwards?… Just me, then? #klutz #fb #
- Today's food epiphany: if there's guacamole on it, chances are high that I will order it. #
- Happy birthday, @twixlen! #
- Mercenary confession time: I am actively rooting against the Bucks this weekend. They lose, I win $ in the office pool. #iflouisvillewinstoo #
- This place is becoming a victim of its own success. Coffee tasting at @NorthMarket is waaaaay too packed. 🙁 #
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