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Uh, "Ditto".

I was gonna write up a piece about REVENGE OF THE SITH and what I thought (short version: GLEE!), but Steve Pheley apparently read my mind and wrote it for me; so, thanks, pal.

"Developing", as Drudge would say.

UPDATE 5/26/05: I forgot to also link over to Jeremy's thoughts, mostly because doing so requires me to think about the movie more than I think I'm prepared to do. I've now seen the EPISODE III-as-political-criticism meme in too many places to dismiss it outright, but it strikes me as an awful lot like putting a pig in a dress. Sure, you can do it, and it might even be very pretty and charming, but at the end of the day it's still a pig. We all see what we want to see; methinks those who are calling "foul" (or "bravo") on Lucas for the inclusion of such "pointed criticism" doth protest too much.

And moreover, if you really believe that Lucas (and/or Tom Stoppard) actually intended REVENGE OF THE SITH (and indeed, the entire prequel trilogy) to be a modern political allegory and had put that much thought into crafting it as such, don't you also think that the same or equivalent effort would have gone into the first two?

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