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Baseball, buh-bye

Linda Cropp is an idiot.

I say this in full belief that what she's actually saying--that she's looking out for the good of the citizens of DC--is not misguided. As a councilwoman, that is her job. Unfortunately, her approach to that job (last minute shenanigans, misrepresentation of her own opinions, and grandstanding) are jeopardizing a new opportunity for DC that will bring revenue and revitalization to a part of the city that truly needs it.

I'm not saying the deal that baseball and Tony Williams made was ideal for Washington. Certainly the Mayor has made a few missteps. But Cropp's absolute refusal to play by the rules reeks of political opportunism. Did I mention she's running for Mayor next year? Ms. Cropp, are you serving your constituents or conducting a campaign? Please choose one and stick with it.

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